We are not affiliated with political parties. We are independent and do not engage in political lobbying.

Justice and Accountability for Ukraine (JAFUA)’s mission is to mitigate the humanitarian impact of the conflict in Ukraine. We focus on three critical areas concerning the ongoing conflict. Firstly, we aim to ensure the return and rehabilitation of abducted Ukrainian children. Secondly, JAFUA seeks reparations for underrepresented victims of Russian war crimes. Thirdly, the organisation is working towards establishing an effective International Special Tribunal for Ukraine seeking fair accountability and justice.
JAFUA was created in response to the escalating crisis and the urgent need for protection of vulnerable populations. Accountability and reparations became paramount concerns as the conflict intensified. Recognising the limited efforts made and significant gaps in existing responses, JAFUA was established. The organisation provides targeted advocacy, legal support, and practical solutions.